Flash Fiction – Weekly Roundup

Here are my flash fiction stories of the week.  I wish I had more time to participate regularly, but this will have to do for now.

This week I participated in: #TuesdayTales, #55WordChallenge and #FridayPictureShow

Tuesday Tales

Prompt: Confluence

“Did you know that Pittsburg is one of the few cities in the world that are tri-fluvial?”

Turning, I looked at my date quizzically. I had no clue what he was talking about.

“You know… the confluence of rivers? Technically I guess since the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers form the Ohio, perhaps it’s only bi-fluvial?” he pondered.

I stared blankly at the extremely handsome man across from me, baffled as to why he thought I might need this bit of trivia. Discouraged, I turned my focus back towards the sunset, trying to hide my disappointment in tonight’s choice of hook-ups.


55 Word Challenge


He’d been guarding the entrance to the crypt for nearly a thousand years. Those who didn’t heed his warning perished an unfathomable death filled with pain and emotional anguish. The curse outside was written in the blood of the chosen one, the person who was destined to return this year.

And he was waiting.

Friday Picture Show


He waited, watching as she picked only the ripest of blueberries to take home.

Her meticulous inspection of every berry was almost comical had he only been a casual observer. Something he wouldn’t classify himself as. After following her for a week, he’d been trying to get close enough to strike, yet she was hardly ever alone. Her mother would hover only a few yards away, ears constantly perked in case trouble arose.

Today he’d found his chance, when her mother had walked away.

Stalking forward, he tapped her shoulder.

She spun, eyes wide before letting out a blood-curdling scream.

#TuesdayTales – The Dare

It was a spooky prompt this week from @theglitterlady Tuesday Tales flash fiction.

Here’s my 297 word story to go along with the prompt: Crypt

The Dare

“I triple dog dare you,” sneered Brad, the resident bully on my street.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the lumbering boy’s lame coercion attempt.

“Fine, I’ll go in and prove to you all that there isn’t anything to be scared of. The Flannigan curse is nothing more than an old wives tale,” I replied as assuredly as I could. In reality, I was terrified, but when you were the only girl to hang out with six guys, if you wanted to fit in, fear and tears were things you never showed.

Steeling my shoulders back, I confidently made my way down the steps to the old crypt we’d already picked the lock on. Since I drew the short stick, I was the one who now had to go sit on old man Flannigan’s casket for five minutes. This normally wouldn’t have frightened me, but there’d been stories going around my whole life about his ghost guarding the tomb. It was said that if you dared to enter, you never returned.

Pulling the heavy door open, I stepped inside. Breathing deeply, I tried to calm the quaking of my knees as I took two steps into the cold, dark space. Clicking on my flashlight, I surveyed the room. Among the carved crosses and ornamental religious renderings was a solitary stone coffin set beneath a domed roof. My fear diminished quickly as I ran my hand across the cool, smooth lid, not sensing any paranormal activity.

Hearing the squeak of the door, I spun around and was met by a menacing, translucent face.

I tried to scream, but couldn’t get any air into my lungs.

“I’ve been waiting too long for another curious explorer. Welcome to forever,” the ghost screeched just as my world went dark.

#MotivationMonday, #TuesdayTales and #55WordChallenge – Flash Fiction posts

Hello my lovelies.

It’s hump day, and in honor of being a world-class procrastinator today, I’m posting a couple of my flash fiction pieces.

Here is my Motivation Monday piece:

Prompt: “They Call Her Princess” – must be first line of the story.

Delusions of Grandeur

They call her princess to her face, knowing she won’t accept anything less from her royal subjects. She allows them to cater to her every whim, bringing her food, drink and even escort her to the showers, where she is bathed beneath a cascade of hot spring warmed water.

She gets lonely in her ivory tower, with only her attendants to converse with, but it is better than no one at all. She dreams of gilded castles and jewels of every hue. Yet what she doesn’t know is that every week her mother comes to her room and asks those watching over her how she’s doing.

“Her delusions are worse this week. We’ll need to adjust her medication again,” the doctor whispers behind the iron door confining the princess to her padded cell.


Here is my Tuesday Tales piece

Prompt:  Distinguished and this photo – 100 words or lessgoogle search

His bright gold glasses weren’t the only thing that distinguished ‘Pa Joe from others at the Oakwood Nursing Home. His youthful spirit and still agile reflexes were tools he used to cheer up the other patients who were frailer than he was. His love of bluegrass and blonde busty nurses were also widely known throughout the center. The day he broke his hip twirling the young candy striper was the beginning of the end for Joe. His inner-light dimmed after that and even his favorite nurse’s flirtations couldn’t bring back his joy. Movement was his life, without it, he withered.


Here’s today’s post for the 55 Word Challenge


55 words or less

A Widow No More

The biting wind should have chilled her, yet her singular focus kept her from feeling much other than relief. The year was finally over. Her first mission was to throw out all the black from her wardrobe. This time tomorrow she would be wearing deep crimson and not pretending to mourn the man she murdered.

Flash Fiction – Week of June 18th

I figured I’d wait and post all my flash fiction pieces together this week.  Since most are pretty short (100 words or less) it seemed better than multiple posts each week.   ( #TuesdayTales, #55WordChallenge, #FlashFactoryFriday)

I just posted my Flash Factory Friday piece.

FFF prompts:  Condundrum, Weary and System (50-350 words)

I also decided to use this picture as inspiration.  Enjoy!

The System

Stefan’s tall, gangly body looked awkward sitting on the tiny bed in his new room.  The lumpy mattress at least had a clean white sheet pulled taut into military style corners.    Janice, the woman who’d picked him up, seemed pleasant enough, but they all usually did until he was read the riot act about what was expected of him. He’d long grown weary of being stuck in the foster system, moving from one place to another, all in the name of finding him a decent place to live and grow up.  Unfortunately, many made him feel more like an indentured servant than a child deserving of love and affection.

Pondering his situation, Stefan realized this would likely be the last family he’d be forced to live with.  His eighteenth birthday was quickly approaching and with no family to support him, he knew his future didn’t look particularly prosperous.  He was a good student, but not so exceptional he’d been able to get a scholarship or grant for college.  He’d written countless of essays and letters trying to get one single chance of being more than just another street kid, begging the world to rescue him.

No.  Stefan wanted to rescue himself.

A single knock echoed through the unadorned room and his new foster father nudged the door open wide.

“You getting settled, son?” he asked, nodding towards the suitcase sitting by the dresser still waiting to be unpacked.

Stefan shrugged, waiting for the long list of rules and restrictions that came with every new family. Knowing it would only be a matter of time before he messed up and they sent him away.

“We seem to have a bit of a conundrum–” Jack pronounced, standing in front of his new son waiting for the boy to look up.

When Stefan finally glanced at Jack, he saw something that was precious and rare.

A smile.

“Janice wants to know if you’d rather have pizza or Chinese?”

Hearing the simple question, his heart surged with hope. Perhaps he’d finally found a home, a family and, most of all, a future.


Here is my Honorable Mention entry to the 55 Word Challenge

Using this photo for inspiration:

A Witch Scorned

With the words chanted three times, the spell was cast.
Angelica could only wait in darkening wood, hoping her magic wouldn’t fail her this night.

For tonight, on the eve of the longest day, she planted the seed that would soon mature and fester until it had grown into the thing she most desired.



And last, here is my entry for this week’s Tuesday Tales

The prompts was:  Exoteric

and the image: 

 The Truth Will Set You Free

Jenna sat on a low tree limb, watching a few men practice some fancy form of martial arts, framed by the orange glow of the setting sun. Her mind drifted back to the sweet, shy smile Ashley had hidden behind after revealing her secret. It was now Jenna’s turn to open up to the man she thought could make her happy.

But it was all a lie.

The branch shifted beneath Charlie’s weight and she blurted, “I’m sorry. It’s not you, it’s me.”

“How exoteric of you,” he muttered, knowing they were through.

“Unfortunately, it’s also the truth. I’m gay.”


Thanks for reading!  See you next week.

And don’t forget, Thursday, June 28th will be my first Picsperation post.

Flash Fiction – #TuesdayTales Honorable Mention!

Wow, I just did my first Flash Fiction yesterday and managed to squeak out an honorable mention for Glitterword’s Tuesday Tales.  I’m tickled pink.  Click on the link to see all the entries.

Here is my entry for the following prompt:

Secret word: Royalty and the photo below.

The club was packed with people writhing around in time to the heavy bass beat. When the trio approached the dance floor like royalty, the crowd parted immediately allowing them entrance into their throne room. The disco ball threw off sparkly light, illuminating the girls as they began their mating dance, prowling for tonight’s prey.

One by one, the men would slither into their tight knit circle, attempting to impress the queen bees of the club. Most were ignored, blocked out by the swish of a hip, but a lucky few would be allowed into their inner sanctum, considered worthy.